Sunday, January 27, 2019


(Totally Not a Shithole Country) - As the socioeconomic geography of the United States continues to diversify, with GDP rising and salaries "stagnating," those citizens who most resemble the framers of the US Constitution have taken measures to ensure that the power remains in the hands of its traditional wardens. The constabulary's job has gotten more and more difficult as (incredibly large) portions of the population have not found their way into (generationally entrenched) wealth. Heavily armed public justice coordinators have, however, found the resources and methods (both lethal and probably in violation of future laws, thank god for Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3) to keep the peace (in affluent communities - outside of public schools).
While law enforcement is trained in certain Rules of Engagement (such as emptying entire clips, aiming for center of mass, and to be constantly in fear of everyone on one's beat), the US military is lagging sorely behind. For instance, there are explicit orders against escalation with local population.
"Imagine trying to do your job with a hand tied behind your back," says Sgt. Ford of the St. Louis Police Department. "These poor soldiers have M4s, but they aren't allowed to use them. Seems to me that they've got a lot a lot of Rules and no Engagement. Imagine if we had had to stick to stuff like that during World War II? No bombing of civilian populations? My grandfather was on that famous Dresden mission, and let me tell you, from what he told me, that was some fire of god."
The current Chief of the Army Staff, Gen. Mark A Milley, was asked for comment on this and responded only with, "The Big Tobacco? What the hell kind of Mickey Mouse garbage is that? Policification of the Military? Son, 'policification' isn't even a word."
One thing remains clear: as US GDP rises and the country manufactures less and less, driving its citizens to more and more desperate lengths, the military will look like a better and better option for many socioeconomically less-advantaged. It is the hope of this columnist, who in no way needs to be given a summary trial and execution, that our brave men, women, and children in uniform can learn from the tactics of our current police force: it's us against them; use the explosives and rifles that Jesus gave you to bring the locals to god so that he may sort them out.