Monday, July 20, 2020
(Bethesda, MD) In his tour of Walter Reed Medical Center, President Donald Trump wore a mask, a move that surprised many of his followers and critics alike. While both downplaying the virus' severity and exaggerating the success and timeliness of his administration's response, the President has repeatedly mocked others for having worn masks, a recommendation from his own health advisors and the CDC. There have been liberals and conservatives who have both championed and decried the efficacy of mask wearing, but data shows that the President's supporters are around six times more likely to refuse. What has truly confused the President's supporters, however, was not his wearing of a mask, it was the lack of response from sufferers of what they refer to as Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The term has been copied from supporters of the previous President, Barack Obama, whose supporters copied it from the supporters of George W. Bush. It is used as a pejorative to claim that the referent has lost the ability to reason with regard to the President in question. When asked about the pathology of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Dr. Francis Dunmore of Gerschwitz University had this to say:
"You cannot be serious. I won't answer this line of inquiry on the grounds that it demeans the entire field of study. Get out of my office."
When pressed further, Dr. Dunmore claimed that he would call the police.
Most of the information that could be found in YouTube videos and poorly written, self-published work can be summarized to suggest that all TDS sufferers start at the conclusion "orange man bad" and work their way back to any data that supports their claim, while ignoring, "all the good the President has done."
This definition is "supported" by the claim that TDS sufferers will do absolutely anything to vilify the President. Proponents of the idea that TDS is real are baffled by the fact that those supposedly afflicted with the condition are still wearing masks.
"It's like they didn't see the President wearing a mask," said John Kohl of Fiddington, IN. "How can they keep wearing masks if they know that the President wore one? I mean, we all know - WE KNOW - about this condition. Even if they claim to not have it or if they say it's not real, we know it's real. So, it just is mysterious that they can wear a mask when they know full well that he's wearing one. Must be something Deep State. You know what I mean?"
We didn't.
"It's like," Mr. Kohl paused. "It's like there's a mutation in the TDS. It's like they're all of a sudden going to start doing the things that the President does. Like, now, they're suddenly to going start saying that China doesn't have our best interests at heart or that we should breath oxygen."
"You've gotta understand," said David Polvinsky of Des Moines, IA, "These people will do anything they can to promote Barack Hussein Obama over Donald Trump. Anything. If Donald Trump wears a mask, people are going to be saying that Barack Obama doesn't wear a mask, and that makes him God or something. Well, now Trump's wearing a mask. What do you say to that? I bet people are saying that Obama doesn't, and it's better."
After being asked who had actually said anything about Barack Obama, Polvinsky erupted into a rage, screaming, "don't you say that name! It is a pox upon the land!"
After calming Mr. Polvinsky down by singing the Star Spangled Banner twice, the interview continued.
Both men were then furnished with polling data that showed Trump's detractors still favored wearing masks, videos were shown to both men of Barack Obama wearing a mask, and twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining that people who do not support the President still overwhelmingly support the wearing of masks, Mr. Kohl and Mr. Polvinsky claimed that they needed time to "think on the matter" because "it just didn't square with what they know about how Trump Derangement Syndrome works." They then asked several times if The Big Tobacco knew about or was associated with, "The Deep State."
Saturday, July 4, 2020
(United States) As the country sees its final 54,000+ cases of COVID-19 yesterday, many are reflecting on the pandemic. The 4th of July weekend is giving a lot of US residents their first opportunity to celebrate together since the virus' total and complete elimination less than twelve hours ago. Many are participating in symbolic demonstrations, like burning the masks that they refused to wear for their safety and the safety of others. Others rallied around President Trump to affirm his statement that the virus would just "disappear."
Medical professionals are baffled.
"Virii don't just disappear like this," says Dr. Ben Ferro of Hamilton University. "You don't have 132,000 deaths over the course of a few months and then suddenly nothing the next day. This is insane. You people who are just declaring this over, you're going to be responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths - maybe millions."
"Just ignoring this is the worst thing that you can do," says Dr. Alfred Franklin of the CDC. "We have been trying to tell everyone that this is beatable. This pandemic is something against which we could have taken action, against which we can still take action. But, to deny that it is even happening, this is a completely irresponsible, dangerous - even stupid - position to take."
"Yeah, well, it wasn't never real to begin with," mumbles Hank Perry, between sips of Budweiser. Mr. Perry is a manager at a car dealership in Lexington, KY, a supporter of the President, and the writer of a blog that poorly summarizes posts from Infowars. "We know it was just more of that MSN BS to undermine the President. Don't you think if it were real, Trump would be wearing a mask? I mean, look at it from that perspective. The President of the United States would wear a mask if it was dangerous. He doesn't. It ain't dangerous. These airy-fairy, namby-pamby liberals just want to control us. They want submission. Well, these colors don't run, buddy. Guess what? Now the virus is gone. Just like the President said it would be. Now what are they gonna say? It didn't disappear? Well, I got news for you: it did. That's it. Bam. I don't wanna hear anything else about Corona unless it's about that Mexican beer. That's it. Happy 4th. Freedom, b*tches."
When asked for a response to this, Dr. Franklin could only gesture with his palms turned skyward saying, "We deserve this. We deserve this. We are reaping what we've sown."
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