Friday, November 19, 2021


The real tragedy

(Kenosha, WI) Kyle Rittenhouse and his defense team are celebrating his acquittal of all charges in connection to the shootings in Kenosha, WI. With this precedent, it can be expected that anyone who feels threatened by protests - even those who are not in their state, near them, or actually threatening in any substantial way - will be exonerated from charges up to and including murder. The gestalt effect of this will be, no doubt, an open season on any and all dissenting parties. Stock in Colt, Glock, and Beretta have already nearly doubled.
Henry "Enrique" Tarrio of the Proud Boys had this to say: “We’ve been waiting. Remember what Donald Trump said? ‘Stand back and stand by.’ Well, here we go! We’ve been standing back and standing by, and now, it’s time to roll, baby! Lock and load! All you BLM folks better run!”
Susan N. Herman of the ACLU responded, “What in the flying f-”
She was cut off when her broadcast was shut down by a group of skinheads, KKK members, QAnon cultists, and Republicans who claimed to be “totally reasonable people.” These self-proclaimed “non-protesting, anti-protestors” riddled the broadcasting station with bullets, destroying all of the equipment inside and wounding two interns. As a preemptive legal defense, all sixteen of the white men who fired AR-15s into the studio said that they felt threatened by the ACLU president’s words. They blubbered furiously as they recalled the five syllables she was able to utter before the transmission’s signal was cut. When Herman tried to point out that she was merely exercising her First Amendment rights, the armed assailants responded that they were using their Second Amendment rights and that two is larger than one. After the pure sophistry of the statement killed the three sentient beings closest to it, Herman pointed out the nonsensical nature of their reply. All of the white men involved began crying and were exonerated immediately of all crimes, given mugs of warm milk, pats on the head, and told that they were really very good Proud Boys.

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